Kan udah pada tau lagu Never Think versi Robert, nah ini versi Sam Bradley. Versi aslinya. Gak penting? Well, that's just because you dont crazy about twilight lol.
But, I prefer Rob's version still. Deeper
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Good Morning
Hello Everyone! good morning. seneng ya bisa ngepost lagi ahahha. hari ini gua bangun kepagian nih. belom bisa nonton apa apa, doraemon aja belom mulai huhuhu. tadi malem gua tidurnya juga gak malem banget sih ya. eh tadi malem pada matiin lampu gak? buat earth hour? bokap gua masa matiin lampu, tapi kamar gua doang yang masih terang kayak di surga(???)
mau ngepost apa lagi nih gua bingung. besok udah masuk lagi ya. masa katanya di kelas gua waktu hari jumat banyak yang masuk sih, cuma buat belajar matematika gitu. aduh-__-
apa lagi apa lagi? pagi pagi enaknya ngapain ya? makan mandi? belom laper dan belom mau mandi tuh. hmmm.... main pet society aja ya kayak si faiqa. yaudah deh, gua mau main si manson gua dulu haha byeeee.
p.s: happy birthday keyna dan zaki(^)
mau ngepost apa lagi nih gua bingung. besok udah masuk lagi ya. masa katanya di kelas gua waktu hari jumat banyak yang masuk sih, cuma buat belajar matematika gitu. aduh-__-
apa lagi apa lagi? pagi pagi enaknya ngapain ya? makan mandi? belom laper dan belom mau mandi tuh. hmmm.... main pet society aja ya kayak si faiqa. yaudah deh, gua mau main si manson gua dulu haha byeeee.
p.s: happy birthday keyna dan zaki(^)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Here are a list of a phobia and the meanings. Phobia is a term that refers to a group of symptoms brought on by feared objects or situations.
A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear that causes a person to feel intense anxiety.
ablutophobia: washing or bathing
acarophobia: itching
acerophobia: sourness
achluophobia: darkness
acousticophobia: noise
acrophobia: heights
aeroacrophobia: open high places
aeronausiphobia: vomiting secondary to airsickness
aerophobia: drafts, air
aeruophobia: flying
agliophobia: pain
agoraphobia: open spaces
agraphobia: sexual abuse
agrizoophobia: wild animals
agyrophobia: streets or crossing the street
aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects
ailurophobia: cats
albuminurophobia: kidney disease
alektorophobia: chickens
algophobia: pain
alliumphobia: garlic
allodoxaphobia: opinions
altophobia: heights
amathophobia: dust
amaxophobia: riding in a car, or vehicles
ambulophobia: walking
amnesiphobia: amnesia
amychophobia: scratches or being scratched
anablephobia: looking up
ancraophobia: wind
androphobia: men
anemophobia: air drafts or wind
anginophobia: angina, choking or narrowness
Anglophobia: England, English culture, etc
angrophobia: becoming angry
ankylophobia: immobility of a joint
anthophobia: flowers
anthrophobia: people
anthropophobia: people or society
antlophobia: floods
anuptaphobia: staying single
apeirophobia: infinity
aphenphosmphobia: being touched
apiphobia: bees
apotemnophobia: persons with amputations
arachibutyrophobia: peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
arachnophobia: spiders
arithmophobia: numbers
arrhenphobia: men
arsonphobia: fire
asthenophobia: fainting or weakness
astraphobia: thunder and lightning
astrophobia: stars and celestial space
asymmetriphobia: asymmetrical things
ataxiophobia: ataxia (muscular incoordination)
ataxophobia: disorder or untidiness
atelophobia: imperfection
atephobia: ruin or ruins
athazagoraphobia: being forgotten or ignored
atomosophobia: atomic explosions
atychiphobia: failure
aulophobia: flutes
aurophobia: gold
auroraphobia: northern lights
autodysomophobia: one that has a vile odor
automatonophobia: ventiloquist dummies or wax statues
automysophobia: being dirty
autophobia: being alone or of oneself
aviophobia: flying
bacillophobia: microbes
bacteriophobia: bacteria
bactrachophobia: reptiles
ballistophobia: missles or bullets
barophobia: gravity
basophobia: inability to stand
bathophobia: depth
batonophobia: plants
batophobia: heights
batrachophobia: amphibians
belonephobia: pins and needles
bibliophobia: books
blennophobia: slime
bogyphobia: the bogeyman
Bolshephobia: Bolsheviks
botanophobia: plants
bromidrosiphobia: body smells
brontophobia: thunder and lightning
bufonophobia: toads
cacophobia: ugliness
cainophobia: newness, novelty
caligynephobia: beautiful women
carcinophobia: cancer
cardiophobia: the heart
carnophobia: meat
catagelophobia: being ridiculed
catapedaphobia: jumping from high and low places
cathisophobia: sitting
catoptrophobia: mirrors
cenophobia: new things or ideas
ceraunophobia: thunder
chaetophobia: hair
cheimaphobia or cheimatophobia: cold
chemophobia: chemicals
cherophobia: gaiety
chionophobia: snow
chiraptophobia: being touched
cholerophobia: anger
chorophobia: dancing
chrometophobia: money
chromophobia: colors
chronomentrophobia: clocks
chronophobia: time
cibophobia: food
claustrophobia: enclosed spaces
cleisiophobia: being locked in
cleptophobia: stealing
climacophobia: stairs
clinophobia: going to bed
clithrophobia: being enclosed
cnidophobia: stings
coimetrophobia: cemeteries
cometophobia: comets
contreltophobia: sexual abuse
coprastasophobia: constipation
coprophobia: feces
coulrophobia: clowns
cremnophobia: precipices
cryophobia: extreme cold, ice or frost
crystallophobia: crystals or glass
cyberphobia: computers or working on a computer
cyclophobia: bicycles
cymophobia: waves or wave like motions
cynophobia: dogs
decidophobia: making decisions
defecaloesiophobia: painful bowel movements
deipnophobia: dining
dementophobia: insanity
demonophobia: demons
demophobia: crowds (Agoraphobia)
dendrophobia: trees
dentophobia: dentists
dermatophobia: skin lesions
dermatosiophobia: skin disease
dextrophobia: objects at the right side of the body
diabetophobia: diabetes
didaskaleinophobia: going to school
dikephobia: justice
dinophobia: dizziness
diplophobia: double vision
dipsophobia: drinking
dishabiliophobia: undressing in front of someone
domatophobia: houses or being in a house
doraphobia: fur or skins of animals
dromophobia: crossing streets
dutchphobia: the dutch
dysmorphophobia: deformity
dystychiphobia: accidents
ecclesiophobia: church
eicophobia: home surroundings
eisoptrophobia: mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror
electrophobia: electricity
eleutherophobia: freedom
elurophobia: cats (Ailurophobia)
emetophobia: vomiting
enetophobia: pins
enochlophobia: crowds
enosiophobia: committing an unpardonable sin
entomophobia: insects
eosophobia: dawn or daylight
epistaxiophobia: nosebleeds
epistemophobia: knowledge
equinophobia: horses
eremophobia: being oneself
ereuthrophobia: blushing
ergasiophobia: surgical instruments
ergophobia: work
erotophobia: sexual love
erythrophobia: the color red
euphobia: hearing good news
eurotophobia: female genitalia
febriphobia: fever
felinophobia: cats
Francophobia: france, french culture
frigophobia: cold
galeophobia: cats
gallophobia or galiophobia: fear France, French culture
gamophobia: marriage
gatophobia: cats
geliophobia: laughter
geniophobia: chins
genophobia: sex
genuphobia: knees
gephyrophobia: crossing bridges
gerascophobia: growing old
germanophobia: Germany, German culture
gerontophobia: old people or of growing old
geumaphobia: taste
glossophobia: speaking in public
gnosiophobia: knowledge
graphophobia: writing
gymnophobia: nudity
gynophobia: women
hadephobia: hell
hagiophobia: saints or holy things
hamartophobia: sinning
haphephobia: being touched
harpaxophobia: being robbed
hedonophobia: feeling pleasure
heliophobia: the sun
hellenologophobia: Greek terms
helminthophobia: worms
hemophobia: blood
herpetophobia: reptiles
heterophobia: the opposite sex (sexophobia)
hierophobia: priests
hippophobia: horses
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: long words
hobophobia: bums or beggars
hodophobia: road travel
homichlophobia: fog
homilophobia: sermons
hominophobia: men
homophobia: homosexuality
hoplophobia: firearms
hormephobia: shock
hydrargyophobia: mercurial medicines
hydrophobia: water
hydrophobophobia: rabies
hyelophobia or hyalophobia: glass
hygrophobia: liquids, dampness, or moisture
hylephobia: materialism
hylophobia: forests
hypegiaphobia: responsibility
hypnophobia: sleep
hypsiphobia: height
iatrophobia: doctors
ichthyophobia: fish
ideophobia: ideas
illyngophobia: veritgo
insectophobia: insects
iophobia: poison
isolophobia: solitude, being alone
isopterophobia: termites
ithyphallophobia: erection
Japanophobia: Japanese
Judeophobia: Jews
kainolophobia: novelty
kakorraphiaphobia: failure
katagelophobia: ridicule
kathisophobia: sitting down
kenophobia: voids
keraunophobia: thunder
kinetophobia: movement or motion
kleptophobia: stealing
koinoniphobia: rooms
koniophobia: dust (Amathophobia)
kopophobia: fatigue
kosmikophobia: cosmic phenomenon
kymophobia: waves
kynophobia: rabies
kyphophobia: stooping
lachanophobia: vegetables
laliophobia: speaking
leprophobia: leprosy
leukophobia: the color white
levophobia: things to the left side of the body
ligyrophobia: loud noises
lilapsophobia: tornadoes and hurricanes
limnophobia: lakes
linonophobia: string
liticaphobia: lawsuits
lockiophobia: childbirth
logizomechanophobia: computers
logophobia: words
luiphobia: syphillis
lutraphobia: otters
lygophobia: darkness
lyssophobia: rabies or of becoming mad
macrophobia: long waits
mageirocophobia: cooking
maieusiophobia: childbirth
malaxophobia: love play
maniaphobia: insanity
mastigophobia: punishment
mechanophobia: machines
megalophobia: large things
melanophobia: the color black
melissophobia: bees
melophobia: fear or hatred of music
meningitophobia: brain disease
menophobia: menstruation
merinthophobia: being bound or tied up
metallophobia: metal
metathesiophobia: changes
meteorophobia: meteors
methyphobia: alcohol
metrophobia: fear or hatred of poetry
microbiophobia: microbes (bacillophobia)
microphobia: small things
misophobia: being contaminated with dirt of germs
mnemophobia: memories
molysmophobia: dirt or contamination
monopathophobia: definite disease
monophobia: solitude or being alone
motorphobia: automobiles
mottephobia: moths
musophobia: mice
mycophobia: fear or aversion to mushrooms
mycrophobia: small things
myctophobia: darkness
myrmecophobia: ants
mysophobia: germs or contamination or dirt
mythophobia: myths or stories or false statements
myxophobia: slime (blennophobia)
nebulaphobia: fog (homichlophobia)
necrophobia: death
nelophobia: glass
neopharmaphobia: new drugs
neophobia: anything new
nephophobia: clouds
noctiphobia: the night
nomatophobia: names
nosemaphobia: illness
nosocomephobia: hospitals
nosophobia: disease
nostophobia: returning home
novercaphobia: step-mothers
nucleomituphobia: nuclear weapons
nudophobia: nudity
numerophobia: numbers
nyctophobia: the dark or of night
obesophobia: gaining weight
ochlophobia: crowds or mobs
ochophobia: vehicles
octophobia: the figure 8
odontophobia: dental surgery
odynophobia: pain
oenophobia: wines
oikophobia: home surroundings, house
olfactophobia: smells
ombrophobia: rain
ommetaphobia: eyes
oneirogmophobia: wet dreams
oneirophobia: dreams
onomatophobia: hearing a certain word
ophidiophobia: snakes
ophthalmophobia: being stared at
optophobia: opening one's eyes
ornithophobia: birds
orthophobia: property
osmophobia: smells or odors
osphresiophobia: smells
ostraconophobia: shellfish
ouranophobia: heaven
pagophobia: ice or frost
panophobia: everything
panthophobia: disease
pantophobia: fears
Papaphobia: the pope
papyrophobia: paper
paralipophobia: neglecting duty
paraphobia: sexual perversion
parasitophobia: parasites
paraskavedekatriaphobia: Friday the 13th
parthenophobia: virgins or young girls
parturiphobia: childbirth
pathophobia: disease
patroiophobia: heredity
peccatophobia: sinning (imaginary crime)
pediculophobia: lice
pediophobia: dolls
pedophobia: children
peladophobia: bald people
pellagrophobia: pellagra
peniaphobia: poverty
pentheraphobia: mother-in-law
phagophobia: swallowing
phalacrophobia: becoming bald
phallophobia: a penis, esp erect
pharmacophobia: taking medicine
pharmacophobia: drugs
phasmophobia: ghosts
phengophobia: daylight or sunshine
philemaphobia: kissing
philophobia: falling in love
philosophobia: philosophy
phobophobia: one's own fears
phonophobia: noises or voices
photoaugliaphobia: glaring lights
photophobia: light
phronemophobia: thinking
phthiriophobia: lice (pediculophobia)
phthisiophobia: tuberculosis
pinigerophobia: smothering
placophobia: tombstones
plutophobia: wealth
pluviophobia: rain or of being rained on
pneumatiphobia: spirits
pnigophobia: choking or being smothered
pocrescophobia: gaining weight (obesophobia)
pogonophobia: beards
poinephobia: punishment
poliosophobia: contracting poliomyelitis
politicophobia: politicians
polyphobia: many things
ponophobia: overworking or of pain
porphyrophobia: the color purple
potamophobia: rivers or running water
potophobia: alcohol
proctophobia: rectum
prosophobia: progress
psellismophobia: stuttering
psychophobia: mind
psychrophobia: cold
pteromerhanophobia: flying
pteronophobia: being tickled by feathers
pupaphobia: puppets pyrexiophobia
pyrophobia: fire
radiophobia: radiation, x-rays
ranidaphobia: frogs
rhabdophobia: being severely punished or beaten by a rod
rhypophobia: defecation
rhytiphobia: getting wrinkles
rupophobia: dirt
Russophobia: Russians
samhainophobia: Halloween
sarmassophobia: love play
satanophobia: satan
scabiophobia: scabies
scelerophibia: bad men, burglars
schlionophobia: school
sciophobia: shadows
scoleciphobia: worms
scolionophobia: school
scopophobia: being stared at
scotomaphobia: blindness in visual field
scotophobia: darkness
scriptophobia: writing in public
selaphobia: light flashes
selenophobia: the moon
seplophobia: decaying matter
sesquipedalophobia: long words
sexophobia: the opposite sex
siderodromophobia: trains
siderophobia: stars
sinistrophobia: left-handedness
sinophobia: chinese, chinese culture
sitophobia: food or eating
snakephobia: snakes (ophidiophobia)
soceraphobia: parents-in-law
social phobia: being evaluated negatively
sociophobia: society
somniphobia: sleep
sophophobia: learning
soteriophobia: dependence on others
spacephobia: outer space
spectrophobia: specters or ghosts
spermophobia: germs
sphexsophobia: wasps
stasibasiphobia: standing or walking
staurophobia: crosses or the crucifix
stenophobia: narrow things or places
stygiophobia: hell
suriphobia: mice
symbolophobia: symbolism
symmetrophobia: symmetry
syngenesophobia: relatives
syphilophobia: syphilis
tachophobia: speed
taeniophobia or teniophobia: tapeworms
taphephobia: being buried alive
tapinophobia: being contagious
taurophobia: bulls
technophobia: technology
teleophobia: definate plans
telephonophobia: telephones
telosphobia: being last
teratophobia: bearing a deformed child
testophobia: taking tests
tetanophobia: lockjaw, tetanus
teutophobia: German or German things
textophobia: certain fabrics
thaasophobia: sitting
thalassophobia: the ocean
thanatophobia: death or dying
theatrophobia: theatres
theologicophobia: theology
theophobia: god(s) or religion
thermophobia: heat
tocophobia: childbirth
tomophobia: surgical operations
tonitrophobia: thunder
topophobia: performing (stage fright)
toxiphobia: poison
traumatophobia: injury
tremophobia: trembling
trichinophobia: trichinosis
trichopathophobia: hair
triskaidekaphobia: the number 13
tropophobia: moving or making changes
trypanophobia: injections
tuberculophobia: tuberculosis
tyrannophobia: tyrants
uranophobia: heaven
urophobia: urine or urinating
vaccinophobia: vaccination
venustraphobia: beautiful women
verbophobia: words
verminophobia: germs
vestiphobia: clothing
virginitiphobia: rape
vitricophobia: step-fathers
Walloonphobia: the Walloons
wiccaphobia: witches and witchcraft
xanthophobia: the color yellow
xenophobia: strangers
xerophobia: dryness
xylophobia: forests
zelophobia: jealousy
zemmiphobia: the great mole rat
zeusophobia: God or gods
zoophobia: animals
A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear that causes a person to feel intense anxiety.
ablutophobia: washing or bathing
acarophobia: itching
acerophobia: sourness
achluophobia: darkness
acousticophobia: noise
acrophobia: heights
aeroacrophobia: open high places
aeronausiphobia: vomiting secondary to airsickness
aerophobia: drafts, air
aeruophobia: flying
agliophobia: pain
agoraphobia: open spaces
agraphobia: sexual abuse
agrizoophobia: wild animals
agyrophobia: streets or crossing the street
aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects
ailurophobia: cats
albuminurophobia: kidney disease
alektorophobia: chickens
algophobia: pain
alliumphobia: garlic
allodoxaphobia: opinions
altophobia: heights
amathophobia: dust
amaxophobia: riding in a car, or vehicles
ambulophobia: walking
amnesiphobia: amnesia
amychophobia: scratches or being scratched
anablephobia: looking up
ancraophobia: wind
androphobia: men
anemophobia: air drafts or wind
anginophobia: angina, choking or narrowness
Anglophobia: England, English culture, etc
angrophobia: becoming angry
ankylophobia: immobility of a joint
anthophobia: flowers
anthrophobia: people
anthropophobia: people or society
antlophobia: floods
anuptaphobia: staying single
apeirophobia: infinity
aphenphosmphobia: being touched
apiphobia: bees
apotemnophobia: persons with amputations
arachibutyrophobia: peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
arachnophobia: spiders
arithmophobia: numbers
arrhenphobia: men
arsonphobia: fire
asthenophobia: fainting or weakness
astraphobia: thunder and lightning
astrophobia: stars and celestial space
asymmetriphobia: asymmetrical things
ataxiophobia: ataxia (muscular incoordination)
ataxophobia: disorder or untidiness
atelophobia: imperfection
atephobia: ruin or ruins
athazagoraphobia: being forgotten or ignored
atomosophobia: atomic explosions
atychiphobia: failure
aulophobia: flutes
aurophobia: gold
auroraphobia: northern lights
autodysomophobia: one that has a vile odor
automatonophobia: ventiloquist dummies or wax statues
automysophobia: being dirty
autophobia: being alone or of oneself
aviophobia: flying
bacillophobia: microbes
bacteriophobia: bacteria
bactrachophobia: reptiles
ballistophobia: missles or bullets
barophobia: gravity
basophobia: inability to stand
bathophobia: depth
batonophobia: plants
batophobia: heights
batrachophobia: amphibians
belonephobia: pins and needles
bibliophobia: books
blennophobia: slime
bogyphobia: the bogeyman
Bolshephobia: Bolsheviks
botanophobia: plants
bromidrosiphobia: body smells
brontophobia: thunder and lightning
bufonophobia: toads
cacophobia: ugliness
cainophobia: newness, novelty
caligynephobia: beautiful women
carcinophobia: cancer
cardiophobia: the heart
carnophobia: meat
catagelophobia: being ridiculed
catapedaphobia: jumping from high and low places
cathisophobia: sitting
catoptrophobia: mirrors
cenophobia: new things or ideas
ceraunophobia: thunder
chaetophobia: hair
cheimaphobia or cheimatophobia: cold
chemophobia: chemicals
cherophobia: gaiety
chionophobia: snow
chiraptophobia: being touched
cholerophobia: anger
chorophobia: dancing
chrometophobia: money
chromophobia: colors
chronomentrophobia: clocks
chronophobia: time
cibophobia: food
claustrophobia: enclosed spaces
cleisiophobia: being locked in
cleptophobia: stealing
climacophobia: stairs
clinophobia: going to bed
clithrophobia: being enclosed
cnidophobia: stings
coimetrophobia: cemeteries
cometophobia: comets
contreltophobia: sexual abuse
coprastasophobia: constipation
coprophobia: feces
coulrophobia: clowns
cremnophobia: precipices
cryophobia: extreme cold, ice or frost
crystallophobia: crystals or glass
cyberphobia: computers or working on a computer
cyclophobia: bicycles
cymophobia: waves or wave like motions
cynophobia: dogs
decidophobia: making decisions
defecaloesiophobia: painful bowel movements
deipnophobia: dining
dementophobia: insanity
demonophobia: demons
demophobia: crowds (Agoraphobia)
dendrophobia: trees
dentophobia: dentists
dermatophobia: skin lesions
dermatosiophobia: skin disease
dextrophobia: objects at the right side of the body
diabetophobia: diabetes
didaskaleinophobia: going to school
dikephobia: justice
dinophobia: dizziness
diplophobia: double vision
dipsophobia: drinking
dishabiliophobia: undressing in front of someone
domatophobia: houses or being in a house
doraphobia: fur or skins of animals
dromophobia: crossing streets
dutchphobia: the dutch
dysmorphophobia: deformity
dystychiphobia: accidents
ecclesiophobia: church
eicophobia: home surroundings
eisoptrophobia: mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror
electrophobia: electricity
eleutherophobia: freedom
elurophobia: cats (Ailurophobia)
emetophobia: vomiting
enetophobia: pins
enochlophobia: crowds
enosiophobia: committing an unpardonable sin
entomophobia: insects
eosophobia: dawn or daylight
epistaxiophobia: nosebleeds
epistemophobia: knowledge
equinophobia: horses
eremophobia: being oneself
ereuthrophobia: blushing
ergasiophobia: surgical instruments
ergophobia: work
erotophobia: sexual love
erythrophobia: the color red
euphobia: hearing good news
eurotophobia: female genitalia
febriphobia: fever
felinophobia: cats
Francophobia: france, french culture
frigophobia: cold
galeophobia: cats
gallophobia or galiophobia: fear France, French culture
gamophobia: marriage
gatophobia: cats
geliophobia: laughter
geniophobia: chins
genophobia: sex
genuphobia: knees
gephyrophobia: crossing bridges
gerascophobia: growing old
germanophobia: Germany, German culture
gerontophobia: old people or of growing old
geumaphobia: taste
glossophobia: speaking in public
gnosiophobia: knowledge
graphophobia: writing
gymnophobia: nudity
gynophobia: women
hadephobia: hell
hagiophobia: saints or holy things
hamartophobia: sinning
haphephobia: being touched
harpaxophobia: being robbed
hedonophobia: feeling pleasure
heliophobia: the sun
hellenologophobia: Greek terms
helminthophobia: worms
hemophobia: blood
herpetophobia: reptiles
heterophobia: the opposite sex (sexophobia)
hierophobia: priests
hippophobia: horses
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: long words
hobophobia: bums or beggars
hodophobia: road travel
homichlophobia: fog
homilophobia: sermons
hominophobia: men
homophobia: homosexuality
hoplophobia: firearms
hormephobia: shock
hydrargyophobia: mercurial medicines
hydrophobia: water
hydrophobophobia: rabies
hyelophobia or hyalophobia: glass
hygrophobia: liquids, dampness, or moisture
hylephobia: materialism
hylophobia: forests
hypegiaphobia: responsibility
hypnophobia: sleep
hypsiphobia: height
iatrophobia: doctors
ichthyophobia: fish
ideophobia: ideas
illyngophobia: veritgo
insectophobia: insects
iophobia: poison
isolophobia: solitude, being alone
isopterophobia: termites
ithyphallophobia: erection
Japanophobia: Japanese
Judeophobia: Jews
kainolophobia: novelty
kakorraphiaphobia: failure
katagelophobia: ridicule
kathisophobia: sitting down
kenophobia: voids
keraunophobia: thunder
kinetophobia: movement or motion
kleptophobia: stealing
koinoniphobia: rooms
koniophobia: dust (Amathophobia)
kopophobia: fatigue
kosmikophobia: cosmic phenomenon
kymophobia: waves
kynophobia: rabies
kyphophobia: stooping
lachanophobia: vegetables
laliophobia: speaking
leprophobia: leprosy
leukophobia: the color white
levophobia: things to the left side of the body
ligyrophobia: loud noises
lilapsophobia: tornadoes and hurricanes
limnophobia: lakes
linonophobia: string
liticaphobia: lawsuits
lockiophobia: childbirth
logizomechanophobia: computers
logophobia: words
luiphobia: syphillis
lutraphobia: otters
lygophobia: darkness
lyssophobia: rabies or of becoming mad
macrophobia: long waits
mageirocophobia: cooking
maieusiophobia: childbirth
malaxophobia: love play
maniaphobia: insanity
mastigophobia: punishment
mechanophobia: machines
megalophobia: large things
melanophobia: the color black
melissophobia: bees
melophobia: fear or hatred of music
meningitophobia: brain disease
menophobia: menstruation
merinthophobia: being bound or tied up
metallophobia: metal
metathesiophobia: changes
meteorophobia: meteors
methyphobia: alcohol
metrophobia: fear or hatred of poetry
microbiophobia: microbes (bacillophobia)
microphobia: small things
misophobia: being contaminated with dirt of germs
mnemophobia: memories
molysmophobia: dirt or contamination
monopathophobia: definite disease
monophobia: solitude or being alone
motorphobia: automobiles
mottephobia: moths
musophobia: mice
mycophobia: fear or aversion to mushrooms
mycrophobia: small things
myctophobia: darkness
myrmecophobia: ants
mysophobia: germs or contamination or dirt
mythophobia: myths or stories or false statements
myxophobia: slime (blennophobia)
nebulaphobia: fog (homichlophobia)
necrophobia: death
nelophobia: glass
neopharmaphobia: new drugs
neophobia: anything new
nephophobia: clouds
noctiphobia: the night
nomatophobia: names
nosemaphobia: illness
nosocomephobia: hospitals
nosophobia: disease
nostophobia: returning home
novercaphobia: step-mothers
nucleomituphobia: nuclear weapons
nudophobia: nudity
numerophobia: numbers
nyctophobia: the dark or of night
obesophobia: gaining weight
ochlophobia: crowds or mobs
ochophobia: vehicles
octophobia: the figure 8
odontophobia: dental surgery
odynophobia: pain
oenophobia: wines
oikophobia: home surroundings, house
olfactophobia: smells
ombrophobia: rain
ommetaphobia: eyes
oneirogmophobia: wet dreams
oneirophobia: dreams
onomatophobia: hearing a certain word
ophidiophobia: snakes
ophthalmophobia: being stared at
optophobia: opening one's eyes
ornithophobia: birds
orthophobia: property
osmophobia: smells or odors
osphresiophobia: smells
ostraconophobia: shellfish
ouranophobia: heaven
pagophobia: ice or frost
panophobia: everything
panthophobia: disease
pantophobia: fears
Papaphobia: the pope
papyrophobia: paper
paralipophobia: neglecting duty
paraphobia: sexual perversion
parasitophobia: parasites
paraskavedekatriaphobia: Friday the 13th
parthenophobia: virgins or young girls
parturiphobia: childbirth
pathophobia: disease
patroiophobia: heredity
peccatophobia: sinning (imaginary crime)
pediculophobia: lice
pediophobia: dolls
pedophobia: children
peladophobia: bald people
pellagrophobia: pellagra
peniaphobia: poverty
pentheraphobia: mother-in-law
phagophobia: swallowing
phalacrophobia: becoming bald
phallophobia: a penis, esp erect
pharmacophobia: taking medicine
pharmacophobia: drugs
phasmophobia: ghosts
phengophobia: daylight or sunshine
philemaphobia: kissing
philophobia: falling in love
philosophobia: philosophy
phobophobia: one's own fears
phonophobia: noises or voices
photoaugliaphobia: glaring lights
photophobia: light
phronemophobia: thinking
phthiriophobia: lice (pediculophobia)
phthisiophobia: tuberculosis
pinigerophobia: smothering
placophobia: tombstones
plutophobia: wealth
pluviophobia: rain or of being rained on
pneumatiphobia: spirits
pnigophobia: choking or being smothered
pocrescophobia: gaining weight (obesophobia)
pogonophobia: beards
poinephobia: punishment
poliosophobia: contracting poliomyelitis
politicophobia: politicians
polyphobia: many things
ponophobia: overworking or of pain
porphyrophobia: the color purple
potamophobia: rivers or running water
potophobia: alcohol
proctophobia: rectum
prosophobia: progress
psellismophobia: stuttering
psychophobia: mind
psychrophobia: cold
pteromerhanophobia: flying
pteronophobia: being tickled by feathers
pupaphobia: puppets pyrexiophobia
pyrophobia: fire
radiophobia: radiation, x-rays
ranidaphobia: frogs
rhabdophobia: being severely punished or beaten by a rod
rhypophobia: defecation
rhytiphobia: getting wrinkles
rupophobia: dirt
Russophobia: Russians
samhainophobia: Halloween
sarmassophobia: love play
satanophobia: satan
scabiophobia: scabies
scelerophibia: bad men, burglars
schlionophobia: school
sciophobia: shadows
scoleciphobia: worms
scolionophobia: school
scopophobia: being stared at
scotomaphobia: blindness in visual field
scotophobia: darkness
scriptophobia: writing in public
selaphobia: light flashes
selenophobia: the moon
seplophobia: decaying matter
sesquipedalophobia: long words
sexophobia: the opposite sex
siderodromophobia: trains
siderophobia: stars
sinistrophobia: left-handedness
sinophobia: chinese, chinese culture
sitophobia: food or eating
snakephobia: snakes (ophidiophobia)
soceraphobia: parents-in-law
social phobia: being evaluated negatively
sociophobia: society
somniphobia: sleep
sophophobia: learning
soteriophobia: dependence on others
spacephobia: outer space
spectrophobia: specters or ghosts
spermophobia: germs
sphexsophobia: wasps
stasibasiphobia: standing or walking
staurophobia: crosses or the crucifix
stenophobia: narrow things or places
stygiophobia: hell
suriphobia: mice
symbolophobia: symbolism
symmetrophobia: symmetry
syngenesophobia: relatives
syphilophobia: syphilis
tachophobia: speed
taeniophobia or teniophobia: tapeworms
taphephobia: being buried alive
tapinophobia: being contagious
taurophobia: bulls
technophobia: technology
teleophobia: definate plans
telephonophobia: telephones
telosphobia: being last
teratophobia: bearing a deformed child
testophobia: taking tests
tetanophobia: lockjaw, tetanus
teutophobia: German or German things
textophobia: certain fabrics
thaasophobia: sitting
thalassophobia: the ocean
thanatophobia: death or dying
theatrophobia: theatres
theologicophobia: theology
theophobia: god(s) or religion
thermophobia: heat
tocophobia: childbirth
tomophobia: surgical operations
tonitrophobia: thunder
topophobia: performing (stage fright)
toxiphobia: poison
traumatophobia: injury
tremophobia: trembling
trichinophobia: trichinosis
trichopathophobia: hair
triskaidekaphobia: the number 13
tropophobia: moving or making changes
trypanophobia: injections
tuberculophobia: tuberculosis
tyrannophobia: tyrants
uranophobia: heaven
urophobia: urine or urinating
vaccinophobia: vaccination
venustraphobia: beautiful women
verbophobia: words
verminophobia: germs
vestiphobia: clothing
virginitiphobia: rape
vitricophobia: step-fathers
Walloonphobia: the Walloons
wiccaphobia: witches and witchcraft
xanthophobia: the color yellow
xenophobia: strangers
xerophobia: dryness
xylophobia: forests
zelophobia: jealousy
zemmiphobia: the great mole rat
zeusophobia: God or gods
zoophobia: animals
R: Is there any name for Phobia of baloon?
Duck Hunting
Robert and a friend go duck hunting in winter, and of course all the lakes are frozen. These two guys go out on the lake with their guns, a dog, and of course the new vehicle. They drive out onto the lake ice and get ready. Now, they want to make some kind of a natural landing area for the ducks, something for the decoys to float on.
In order to make a hole large enough to look like something a wandering duck would fly down and land on, it's going to take a little more effort than an ice hole drill. So, out of the back of the nw Navigator truck comes a stick of dynamite with a short, 40-second fuse.
Now, these two Rocket Scientists do take into consideration that they want to place the stick of dynamite on the ice at a location far from where they are standing (and from the new Navigator truck), and they don't want to take the risk of slipping on the ice when they run from the lit dynamite fuse and possibly go up in smoke with the resulting blast. They light the 40-second fuse and throw the dynamite as far away as they can.
Remember a couple of sentences back when I mentioned the vehicle, the guns, and the dog??
Let's talk about the dog: it's a highly trained Labrador used for RETRIEVING. Especially well trained at retrieving things thrown by the owner. You guessed it, the dog takes off at a high rate of doggy speed on the ice and captures the stick of dynamite with the burning 40-second fuse about the time it hits the ice. The two men yell, scream, wave their arms and wonder what to do now. The dog, cheered on, keeps coming.
One of the guys grabs the shotgun and shoots the dog. The shotgun is loaded with #8 birdshot, hardly big enough to stop a Lab. The dog stops for a moment, slightly confused, but continues on. Another shot and this time the dog, still standing, becomes really confused and of course terrified, thinking these two geniuses have gone insane. The dog takes off to find cover, under the brand new Navigator truck..
The men continue to yell as they run away. The exhaust pipe on the truck is still hot, so the dog yelps and drops the dynamite under the truck, and takes off after his master.
Then --BOOM-- the truck is blown to bits and sinks to the bottom of the lake in a very large hole, leaving the two idiots standing there with this "I can't believe this happened"look on their faces.
The insurance company says that sinking a vehicle in a lake by illegal use of explosives is NOT COVERED. He still had yet to make the first of those $560.00 a month payments!!!
And you thought your day was not going well.
(Thanks Robert) lol
In order to make a hole large enough to look like something a wandering duck would fly down and land on, it's going to take a little more effort than an ice hole drill. So, out of the back of the nw Navigator truck comes a stick of dynamite with a short, 40-second fuse.
Now, these two Rocket Scientists do take into consideration that they want to place the stick of dynamite on the ice at a location far from where they are standing (and from the new Navigator truck), and they don't want to take the risk of slipping on the ice when they run from the lit dynamite fuse and possibly go up in smoke with the resulting blast. They light the 40-second fuse and throw the dynamite as far away as they can.
Remember a couple of sentences back when I mentioned the vehicle, the guns, and the dog??
Let's talk about the dog: it's a highly trained Labrador used for RETRIEVING. Especially well trained at retrieving things thrown by the owner. You guessed it, the dog takes off at a high rate of doggy speed on the ice and captures the stick of dynamite with the burning 40-second fuse about the time it hits the ice. The two men yell, scream, wave their arms and wonder what to do now. The dog, cheered on, keeps coming.
One of the guys grabs the shotgun and shoots the dog. The shotgun is loaded with #8 birdshot, hardly big enough to stop a Lab. The dog stops for a moment, slightly confused, but continues on. Another shot and this time the dog, still standing, becomes really confused and of course terrified, thinking these two geniuses have gone insane. The dog takes off to find cover, under the brand new Navigator truck..
The men continue to yell as they run away. The exhaust pipe on the truck is still hot, so the dog yelps and drops the dynamite under the truck, and takes off after his master.
Then --BOOM-- the truck is blown to bits and sinks to the bottom of the lake in a very large hole, leaving the two idiots standing there with this "I can't believe this happened"look on their faces.
The insurance company says that sinking a vehicle in a lake by illegal use of explosives is NOT COVERED. He still had yet to make the first of those $560.00 a month payments!!!
And you thought your day was not going well.
(Thanks Robert) lol
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I want to buy this
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
about me
oke ya gua pengen jujur-jujuran aja ya sama semuanya.
pertama buat rara. sebenernya ya gua gak sebel sama mereka. gua biasa biasa aja. dan gua juga gak sama sekali mendukung satu sama lain. gua gak dukung mereka dan gua juga gak dukung dafi dkk. maksud gua tuh, gua gak benci sama siapa siapa. gua cuma pengen ikut ketawa aja. gua juga cuma pengen ngikutin apa yang dafi bilang. lo ngira dengan cara gua kayak gitu ke dafi, gua juga sebel kan sama mereka? gua gak ngebantuin dafi buat tambah benci sama mereka. gua cuma ngomong apa yang gua liat. dan itu gak lebih dan gak kurang.
dan kayak gua bilang di atas guia gak benci juga sama kumpulan itu. mereka nanya nanya mulu sama gua. dan gua harus ngomong apa? yang sejujurnya apa yang ngada ngada apa gak bilang sama sekali? gua bingung sumpah.
maaf ya dafi syima kanti dewi diedra widya dan semuanya itu, gua sering jb jb bareng lo. gua gak pengen cuma duduk sendiri ngobrol sama rara. bengong gak tau apa yang pengen di omongin. jadi bete terus setiap hari. bosen di kelas. gak tau mau ngumpul sama siapa lagi selain lo. sebenernya kadang kadang gua juga sebel sih sama mereka. yang paling gua sebelin adalah pertma, mereka tuh mainnya kata katan, contohnya: misalnya gua bawa majalah kawanku ke sekolah. salah satu dari mereka bilang "ih bacaannya kawanku" misalnya ya. nah gua gak suka. emang kenapa kalo gua bawa? alay gitu majalahnya? mentang mentang lo bawa majalah gogirl atau cosmogirl atau semacamnya? terus yang kedua, mereka gak bisa di ajak ketawa. kalo di tempat rara dafi gtgt gua masih bisa ketawa ketawa karna semuanya bisa nerima. dia mau ngejayus kek dia mau ngelucu beneran kek. mereka anggap itu baik baik aja kan. kalo di tempat mereka, gua ngejayus dikit misalnya "ih apa sih devi" "ha-ha-ha-ha(ketawa maksa)" dll. dan yang ketigamereka tuh ngurusin orang gitu. misalnya gua alay alayan gitu sama temen gua. dan mereka liat atau ngedenger. pasti mereka omongin atau mereka katain. gua gak suka kepribadian mereka yang kayak gitu. jadi gua mau temenan sama siapa lagi coba daf?
pertama buat rara. sebenernya ya gua gak sebel sama mereka. gua biasa biasa aja. dan gua juga gak sama sekali mendukung satu sama lain. gua gak dukung mereka dan gua juga gak dukung dafi dkk. maksud gua tuh, gua gak benci sama siapa siapa. gua cuma pengen ikut ketawa aja. gua juga cuma pengen ngikutin apa yang dafi bilang. lo ngira dengan cara gua kayak gitu ke dafi, gua juga sebel kan sama mereka? gua gak ngebantuin dafi buat tambah benci sama mereka. gua cuma ngomong apa yang gua liat. dan itu gak lebih dan gak kurang.
dan kayak gua bilang di atas guia gak benci juga sama kumpulan itu. mereka nanya nanya mulu sama gua. dan gua harus ngomong apa? yang sejujurnya apa yang ngada ngada apa gak bilang sama sekali? gua bingung sumpah.
maaf ya dafi syima kanti dewi diedra widya dan semuanya itu, gua sering jb jb bareng lo. gua gak pengen cuma duduk sendiri ngobrol sama rara. bengong gak tau apa yang pengen di omongin. jadi bete terus setiap hari. bosen di kelas. gak tau mau ngumpul sama siapa lagi selain lo. sebenernya kadang kadang gua juga sebel sih sama mereka. yang paling gua sebelin adalah pertma, mereka tuh mainnya kata katan, contohnya: misalnya gua bawa majalah kawanku ke sekolah. salah satu dari mereka bilang "ih bacaannya kawanku" misalnya ya. nah gua gak suka. emang kenapa kalo gua bawa? alay gitu majalahnya? mentang mentang lo bawa majalah gogirl atau cosmogirl atau semacamnya? terus yang kedua, mereka gak bisa di ajak ketawa. kalo di tempat rara dafi gtgt gua masih bisa ketawa ketawa karna semuanya bisa nerima. dia mau ngejayus kek dia mau ngelucu beneran kek. mereka anggap itu baik baik aja kan. kalo di tempat mereka, gua ngejayus dikit misalnya "ih apa sih devi" "ha-ha-ha-ha(ketawa maksa)" dll. dan yang ketigamereka tuh ngurusin orang gitu. misalnya gua alay alayan gitu sama temen gua. dan mereka liat atau ngedenger. pasti mereka omongin atau mereka katain. gua gak suka kepribadian mereka yang kayak gitu. jadi gua mau temenan sama siapa lagi coba daf?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
my stuff
dari pada gua gak tau mau nge post apa dan rara nyuruh gua biar blog ini terus updates dan banyak post-nya jadi gua share foto foto aja ya. kalo gak penting ya maaf maaf aja.
udah abis foto foto gua. dan mending kita cerita cerita saja ya. mmmmm......
barusan gua nonton cinderella stroy 2. dan gua akuin itu keren banget. apa lagi yang pas dance-nya keren banget. ya ya ya gua norak baru nonton sekarang, karna gua mau nyari dvd nya lupa lupa mulu. dan baru hari jumat alya bawa dvdnya ke sekolah. jadi gua pinjem aja.
kemaren ulangtaun nya angga seru banget di pim. dari awal sampe akhir gua dafi rara sama widya dan yang lain juga ngomongin si "setting" mulu. ya di juluki si setting karna setting artinya kan pengatur. karna tuh orang kerjaannya ngurusin orang sama ngatur ngatur jadi kami namai si setting.
kemaren sebelum pulang. dafi gua rara sama widya, bikin rencana gitu. yang kayaknya bakalan di rencanain sama yang lain juga. rencananya kita tuh pengen sekali kali nge bales dia. entah ngatur mereka balik, ngebentak mereka, atau apa lah ide dafi yang lain. belom pasti juga sih. besok bakalan mau di omongin bareng yang lain lain. terus kalo misalnya mau ngomong sama dia cuma bhisa 2 kata seperti kata dafi apa rara ya lupa. jangan bawel, jangan berisik, jangan ngatur, jangan banyak omong (well, itu 3 huruf). dan kalo lo ikutan di atur sama dia, jangan pernah dengerin dia. anggep aja gak ada yang ngomong gitu. biar di cape sendiri juga. biar diem gitu ya.
mungkin ada yang bingung ya ini apa-_- ini adalah meja belajar gua yang gak bakal pernah bersih.
ini tempat buat gua tidur
ini pajangan gua yang isinya cuma gambar gambar "sampah"-__-
di situ ada tulisan "we'll rock you out!" dari karina my chairmate
terus ada tulisan happy birthday devi dari my beloved friend, rara. dan ada daftar daftar siapa aja yang ngasih gua selamat ulang tahun taun 2008. dan gambar gambar yang......
di situ ada tulisan "we'll rock you out!" dari karina my chairmate
terus ada tulisan happy birthday devi dari my beloved friend, rara. dan ada daftar daftar siapa aja yang ngasih gua selamat ulang tahun taun 2008. dan gambar gambar yang......
ini di bikin waktu gua kecil sama nyokap. katanya nyokap gua di bikin sama abang abang yang lewat di depan rumah gua waktu dulu hehehe
ini jam kesayangan gua yang jauuuuh belinya. sampe di pulau dewata buat beli jam kebalik ini eheheh. see? jam, ini kebalik kan? di jam gua foto itu lagi jam 6.46 pm. tapi di situ keliatan kayak 6.15 kan???hehehehe
udah abis foto foto gua. dan mending kita cerita cerita saja ya. mmmmm......
barusan gua nonton cinderella stroy 2. dan gua akuin itu keren banget. apa lagi yang pas dance-nya keren banget. ya ya ya gua norak baru nonton sekarang, karna gua mau nyari dvd nya lupa lupa mulu. dan baru hari jumat alya bawa dvdnya ke sekolah. jadi gua pinjem aja.
kemaren ulangtaun nya angga seru banget di pim. dari awal sampe akhir gua dafi rara sama widya dan yang lain juga ngomongin si "setting" mulu. ya di juluki si setting karna setting artinya kan pengatur. karna tuh orang kerjaannya ngurusin orang sama ngatur ngatur jadi kami namai si setting.
kemaren sebelum pulang. dafi gua rara sama widya, bikin rencana gitu. yang kayaknya bakalan di rencanain sama yang lain juga. rencananya kita tuh pengen sekali kali nge bales dia. entah ngatur mereka balik, ngebentak mereka, atau apa lah ide dafi yang lain. belom pasti juga sih. besok bakalan mau di omongin bareng yang lain lain. terus kalo misalnya mau ngomong sama dia cuma bhisa 2 kata seperti kata dafi apa rara ya lupa. jangan bawel, jangan berisik, jangan ngatur, jangan banyak omong (well, itu 3 huruf). dan kalo lo ikutan di atur sama dia, jangan pernah dengerin dia. anggep aja gak ada yang ngomong gitu. biar di cape sendiri juga. biar diem gitu ya.
I need more sleep!
Gue sih sering banget, well ampir selalu, kebanyakan pikiran. Tapi kemaren TERLALU banyak kebanyakan pikiran. Sampe gue baru bisa tidur pas nyokap bokap dan adek adek udah pada bangun, jam 5 pagi. I'll let ya know what i'm thinking bout last night:
1. Fuckin masks! Goddamn. Mungkin lo belom nonton film The Strangers ya. Filmnya bagus sih, pengambilan gambarnya bagus gue bilang. Tapi gue paling takut sama yang namanya topeng. Kalo topeng seni gitu sih biasa aja ya, ini topengnya ngeri banget sumpah. Topeng paling mengerikan yang pernah gue liat. Spoiler film The Strangers dikit ya:p, jadi ada seorang perempuan namanya Kristen(why Kristen? Yes, Kristen is a bad name. Orang yang namanya Kristen seharusnya dibantai aja sama 3 monster bertopeng) dia dilamar sama pacarnya namanya James. Tapi lamarannya ditolak soalnya si Kristen belom siap(so dramatic). Terus si Kristen ini minta maaf sama James, they're about to making out until a stranger knocked the door. Ya, kalo ngetok pintunya siang bolong sih wajar aja ya, ini ngetok pintunya jam 4 pagi. Pas pintunya dibuka, there was a blonde girl asking for Tamara. But there's no Tamara! Akhirnya si cewek pirang ini pergi. Dan James pun ikut pergi. Beberapa saat kemudian, the door knocked again. Louder and scarier! Trus ternyata yang ngetok tu si pirang tadi. Paling ngeri pas topeng laki ada di belakang si Kristen, hiii. FYI, film ini tokohnya twilight character or Twilight cast semua loh haha. James, Kristen sama Mike. Fortunately there's no Edward. Kan gue cerita tentang nama-nama pemeran film Strangers ini ke adek gue, eh masa katanya yang topeng laki namanya Edward. Enak aja. Dan satu lagi, adek gue kan beli majalah girls terus dapet pin up Robert dong. Hah, importantless.
2. Robert, well Twilight. Kata Nisa ada video twilight yang di credit sama pemainnya. Kok gue gak nemu di youtube ya? Aaaaa kepikiran.
3. Orang gila yang gue temuin di pim. Yang bikin gue kepikiran bukannya muka orang gilanya, tapi apa yang dia omongin ke temennya, "Gak tau nih, gue masih bingung, Danti apa Dita ya. Haha buset huruf D semua.... Iya ya, kalo nama lengkapnya huruf A semua, Ardanti sama Andita." Oh, jadi lo mau sama Dita juga? Gue jadi males banget ya ngadepin hari senen dan rabu.
4. Anak emo paling ganteng se-BM hahahahahahahahaah. Gak nyangka ya bisa seganteng itu. Kreatif lagi pake ngejepit rambut kalo ke sekolah. Ganteng kan ya Syim?
5. Gue takut dosa. Jangan tanya apa dosa yang gue lakuin.
6. Gue belom bayar uang nonton! Syima I'm so sorry. Monday, I promise.
Banyak kan, yang paling mengganggu sih yang nomer 1 dan 2. But still.
1. Fuckin masks! Goddamn. Mungkin lo belom nonton film The Strangers ya. Filmnya bagus sih, pengambilan gambarnya bagus gue bilang. Tapi gue paling takut sama yang namanya topeng. Kalo topeng seni gitu sih biasa aja ya, ini topengnya ngeri banget sumpah. Topeng paling mengerikan yang pernah gue liat. Spoiler film The Strangers dikit ya:p, jadi ada seorang perempuan namanya Kristen(why Kristen? Yes, Kristen is a bad name. Orang yang namanya Kristen seharusnya dibantai aja sama 3 monster bertopeng) dia dilamar sama pacarnya namanya James. Tapi lamarannya ditolak soalnya si Kristen belom siap(so dramatic). Terus si Kristen ini minta maaf sama James, they're about to making out until a stranger knocked the door. Ya, kalo ngetok pintunya siang bolong sih wajar aja ya, ini ngetok pintunya jam 4 pagi. Pas pintunya dibuka, there was a blonde girl asking for Tamara. But there's no Tamara! Akhirnya si cewek pirang ini pergi. Dan James pun ikut pergi. Beberapa saat kemudian, the door knocked again. Louder and scarier! Trus ternyata yang ngetok tu si pirang tadi. Paling ngeri pas topeng laki ada di belakang si Kristen, hiii. FYI, film ini tokohnya twilight character or Twilight cast semua loh haha. James, Kristen sama Mike. Fortunately there's no Edward. Kan gue cerita tentang nama-nama pemeran film Strangers ini ke adek gue, eh masa katanya yang topeng laki namanya Edward. Enak aja. Dan satu lagi, adek gue kan beli majalah girls terus dapet pin up Robert dong. Hah, importantless.
2. Robert, well Twilight. Kata Nisa ada video twilight yang di credit sama pemainnya. Kok gue gak nemu di youtube ya? Aaaaa kepikiran.
3. Orang gila yang gue temuin di pim. Yang bikin gue kepikiran bukannya muka orang gilanya, tapi apa yang dia omongin ke temennya, "Gak tau nih, gue masih bingung, Danti apa Dita ya. Haha buset huruf D semua.... Iya ya, kalo nama lengkapnya huruf A semua, Ardanti sama Andita." Oh, jadi lo mau sama Dita juga? Gue jadi males banget ya ngadepin hari senen dan rabu.
4. Anak emo paling ganteng se-BM hahahahahahahahaah. Gak nyangka ya bisa seganteng itu. Kreatif lagi pake ngejepit rambut kalo ke sekolah. Ganteng kan ya Syim?
5. Gue takut dosa. Jangan tanya apa dosa yang gue lakuin.
6. Gue belom bayar uang nonton! Syima I'm so sorry. Monday, I promise.
Banyak kan, yang paling mengganggu sih yang nomer 1 dan 2. But still.
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